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5 Ways to Save On Your Summer Power Bill

Save on Summer Energy Bills

Temperatures are beginning to climb here in Eastern Pennsylvania, even hitting the mid-80’s this weekend. For many homeowners, that will be one of the biggest signs that it’s time to prepare for that summer spike in energy bills. There are a few things you can do to keep your home comfortable without paying an arm and a leg — and we’d like to help you make sure your HVAC isn’t running itself ragged (and running your bill up to stratospheric levels).

1. Unplug everything you’re not using. Many people aren’t aware of this, but all your appliances and electronics will continue to draw small amounts of power while plugged in, even when you aren’t using them. When not in use, appliances like the toaster, coffeemaker, or blender should always remain unplugged. Consider turning off and unplugging the computer or television during any prolonged absences from home as well. This will also be safer in case of a thunderstorm, when lightning can cause power surges that can damage electronics, even with a surge protector in place.

2. Install ceiling fans wherever possible. If you have any rooms in your home that don’t have ceiling fans, consider picking up an inexpensive model from your local home improvement store. Shop around for good sales on a model whose design and functionality fits your home’s style. Ceiling fans are easy to install and you’ll be surprised by how well they keep the cool air moving even when the thermostat is set to 78 or 80.

3. Close off any unused rooms. Do you maintain guest rooms, but only really host guests a few times per year? Consider closing the doors and vents in those rooms. Your home heating and cooling system won’t be forced to work to cool rooms that aren’t even in use, and the more unused rooms you can close off, the lower your energy bills will go. When guests are due to arrive, just open up the vents the night before their arrival and things will be cool and comfortable by the time they’re unpacking their bags.

4. Keep away from oven-cooked meals. Even an oven set to a fairly low default heat, like 350 degrees Fahrenheit, will heat up your home shockingly fast. We encourage our customers to embrace cool summer meals, like salads or grilled meats and veggies, to help keep their inside cooling needs down. Plus, who doesn’t love eating outdoors on a beautiful evening? You’ll be able to turn your average family dinner into a picnic in record time.

5. Schedule an inspection before things really heat up. Rather than wait until things get really hot in July or even August, it’s essential to schedule your tuneup as soon as you can. While temperatures remain mostly mild, have one of our technicians make a visit. We’ll check over all the basic components of your system, ensuring that your HVAC is running at peak efficiency when it counts.

When you decide to schedule your tuneup, it’s time to give Donnelly’s Plumbing Heating and Cooling a call. Our service technicians prioritize customer service and quality worksmanship, with building long-term relationships being our number-one goal. To schedule your preventative maintenance for your home heating and cooling system, give us a call at (215) 855-2014.

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​We show up on time, keep things clean, and listen to what you need. We treat you and your home with the respect it deserves.

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​We can work on all makes and models of HVAC and plumbing equipment.​


​You can count on us to be honest and always do what we say. We communicate clearly, provide our guarantees & warranties in writing, and ensure you understand everything we're doing in your home.​

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​Professional Services​

​We show up on time, keep things clean, and listen to what you need. We treat you and your home with the respect it deserves.

Service for All Brands

​We can work on all makes and models of HVAC and plumbing equipment.​


​You can count on us to be honest and always do what we say. We communicate clearly, provide our guarantees & warranties in writing, and ensure you understand everything we're doing in your home.​

Experienced Technicians​​

We excel at solving problems with years of experience behind us. We look at today's challenges and future needs to create the best customized solutions.​

Licensed & Insured

​Our technicians are licensed, insured, and background-checked for your peace of mind.​